
Personal Branding in 2023: 8 Trends to Watch


Making your brand a vehicle for career goals

As we kick off the new year, I'm sure that many of us have big goals in mind. But let's be real, it's easy for those resolutions to fizzle out as the year goes on. That's why I think building a solid personal brand could be the key to staying on track and achieving those goals.

When you build your personal brand, it not only clarifies your offer, but it also holds you accountable. It's a way for people to understand exactly what you're all about and easily connect with your mission or offer.

"Personal brand, not only clarifies your offer, but it also holds you accountable"

I recently did some research on the trends and techniques that top personal brands will be using in 2023, and I found some really interesting insights:

1) Meaningful networking

For example, 80% of top personal brands will focus on creating meaningful connections with their target audience. This means that they'll be taking the time to really understand the needs and wants of their audience, and tailoring their messaging and content accordingly.

2) Psychology

Another 70% of top personal brands will be using psychological methods to create a powerful and memorable brand. This could include using storytelling and personal anecdotes to create a more intimate connection with their audience, or using interactive elements like polls and videos to engage with their followers.

2) Interactive Content

In addition, 60% of top personal brands will be using interactive elements like polls, animations, videos, and GIFs to create engaging content. This is a great way to keep your audience interested and involved in your brand.

3) Personal Stories

50% of top personal brands will be using storytelling and personal stories to create a more intimate connection with their audience. Sharing your own experiences and journey can be a powerful way to connect with people and establish trust.

4) Social Media

40% of top personal brands will be using social media to engage with their audience and create meaningful conversations. This is a great way to build relationships and get feedback from your followers.

5) Measuring Success

30% of top personal brands will be getting purposeful about measuring the success of their branding efforts. By tracking metrics and analyzing data, you can see what's working and what's not, and make any necessary adjustments.

6) Partnerships & Influencer Marketing

20% of top personal brands will be using influencer marketing and partnerships to amplify their reach and engage with new audiences. Partnering with influential figures in your industry can be a great way to get your brand in front of a new audience.

7) AI-Tools

Finally, 10% of top personal brands will be using AI-tools to ease the process of creating a larger volume of quality content. This can be a time-saving tool that allows you to focus on other aspects of your personal brand.

Building your brand let's the world know what you're up to and helps you to connect with right people to make your goals come true!

Overall, the trends show that personal branding is all about creating a strong, authentic connection with your audience. Whether it's through meaningful interactions on social media, or by using storytelling to share your personal journey, the key is to be genuine and relatable.

So as we start the new year, consider building a strong personal brand as a way to stay on track and achieve your goals. It's a powerful tool that can help you clarify your offer, connect with your audience, and hold yourself accountable to your mission.

Anders Ilves Profile Photo - Personal Branding For Leaders | BrandIn AgencyAnders Ilves

My name is Anders Ilves, I'm a co-founder of BrandIn agency, a Personal Branding Expert, LinkedIn Marketeer and the head copywriter. I will be sharing the best insights I find about growing your personal brand in order to reach your goals!


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